Enhanced Listening Exams in Computer Labs!

Enhanced Listening Exams in Computer Labs!

Our school continues to embrace innovative learning experiences, and we're thrilled to announce the success of the second month's listening exams for grades eight and nine! These exams were conducted in the school’s computer labs, providing students with a truly immersive and engaging experience.

A World-Class Learning Environment:

The computer labs offered a setting that rivals developed and professional listening environments. This allowed students to fully immerse themselves in the listening passages, enhancing their comprehension and focus.

A Big Thank You!

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our dedicated teachers for their commitment to incorporating technology into their lessons. Their hard work and creativity have resulted in a truly enriching learning experience for our students.

This initiative represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide students with the best possible education. We look forward to seeing the continued benefits of this innovative approach!

و كجزء من خطة التحول الرقمي التي تواكب متطلبات التعلم في القرن الحادي و العشرين عقد قسمي الثامن و التاسع في ثانوية البنات امتحانات الإستماع للشهر الدراسي الثاني في مختبرات الحاسوب مما عزز لدى طالباتنا الغاليات تجربة غنية أثرت تعليمهم.

الشكر الموصول لمعلمات المرحلة _سوسن مجارحة ، ديما هنداوي ، الاء الزغول_ على انجاح تجربة طالباتهم في تحقيق تعلم ثري و داعم لإحتياجات الطلبة و تطلعات أولياء أمورهم.

Date created

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